The Wise Money Guys

The Wise Money Guys

Dedicated to serving our community, OneSource Wealth Management shares a commitment to delivering balanced retirement results beyond expectation. Our...Full Bio

Rebalance The News

Like The Days Before Y2K

Those were the days. And now they are coming back to us again; 1999. Hosts John and Guiseppe see a need for market diversification. Lets do that together. Plus, a 60 / 40 blend, Risk vs Return, and Golden Nuggets. The Wise Money Guys. 

The Bigger Social Security Question

The social security question is coming up. How will it support you in retirement? Hosts John and Giuseppe have the latest on how Social Security can work supplement your golden years. Plus, AI and the economy, the importance of a balanced portfolio, and fixed income is good. The Wise Money Guys. 

Truly Independent Risk-Adverse Money Management

We know that some of the brokers out there are beholden to their underwriters. Not One Source Wealth Management. Host John and Giuseppe share thier philosophy on independent wealth strategies. Plus, new Inflation Data has been released, future Tax changes, and the influence of the US Housing Market. The Wise Money Guys.  

Investing at the Speed of Data & Information

From statistics to charts, numbers, graphics, and even AI, information comes at us quickly. Hosts John and Giuseppe help you navigate the crush of data to thrive in retirement. Let's talk more about it now. Plus, Canada's coming storm, the Trump tax cuts expiring, and the possibility of a new recession. The Wise Money Guys. 

Structured Investments For A Balanced Portfolio

Both Bonds and Stocks give us the best opportunity for a solid investment footing. This week hosts John and Giuseppe share how debt security and a growth asset together makes a healthy account. Plus, The Fed's influence on the economy, the A.I. Revolution, and the latest on our upcoming Workshop. The Wise Money Guys. 

Tame Roller Coaster Risk to Retirement w/ our Proper Planning

Planning. Planning, planning. We emphasize the importance of planning for your retirement. Hosts John and Guiseppe tell us what we can plan for in the 2nd half of 2024. Plus, a fixed-income update, the stock market run-up, and details about our workshop! Join us May 29th for our Retirement Workshop at the Spagetti Factory in Roseville. Yum. Learn more at Wise Money Guys dot com.

Spending. Consumption. Taxes. Rates; The Wise Money Guys Debate

Half way through Q2, and we ask, "Are new fed policies being revealed with this fiscal future?" Hosts John and Guiseppe discect that, the Fed Committee's rate inaction, and the Inflation that Gov. $pending is causing. Plus, the Biden Tax Plan and Canada's housing tilllltt. Join us May 29th for our Retirement Workshop. Learn more at Wise Money Guys dot com.

Defensive Portfolios to Fortify Your Retirement

It's the reason we are different. Host John and Giuseppe say diversification is the name of the game, with active investment managment to minimize your risk. Plus, new Federal financial numbers have been released, and the gift of high rates. The Wise Money Guys. 

2% vs 5% vs 9% Risk. What Is Your Tolerance?

Volitility is one way to make money in the market but with volitility comes risk. Hosts John and Giuseppe talk about risk today and the difference in Active Management vs Day Trading. Plus the benefits of the One Source Wealth Management fee structure and an update on the Energy sector. The Wise Money Guys.