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Sacramento Council Approves Buying Capitol Park Hotel For Homeless Shelter

The Capitol Park Hotel in downtown could turn into a triage center for the homeless as soon as this summer thanks to a vote by the Sacramento City Council on Tuesday night.

The council voted unanimously to approve more than $23 million in funding to open a 180-bed temporary homeless shelter at hotel which currently serves as the home for about 90 tenants, many of whom are elderly and disabled. The hotel will eventually be turned into a permanent supportive housing facility for people transitioning out of homelessness. About $3 million will reportedly be spent on relocating the current residents.

There was some criticism about the plan expressed at the council meeting

The City of Sacramento will make a $10 million loan to Mercy Housing for the purchase of the hotel property, but will be reimbursed by Mercy for that money and the $3 million used for relocation of the present residents.

Close to $10 million for the project will come from the Measure U tax approved by voters last fall.

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