The Jesus Christ Show is heard Sundays 6-9am.

Neil Saavedra is host/producer of The Jesus Christ Show, an interactive radio theater experience designed to engage and inspire listeners and callers to learn more about themselves and the historical person of Jesus Christ. 

Saavedra is also host and producer of The Fork Report, KFI’s favorite program for foodies featuring chef interviews, recipes, cooking tips and tricks, must-eat recommendations and more. The program airs Saturdays from 2 -5 p.m. PT. Throughout his career, he has received numerous industry honors and accolades including winning a Golden Foodie award for Best Food Radio Show (2014) and for Best Food Influencer (2015); plus, a nomination for Best Food Instagram from L.A. Weekly and Best Radio Personality from OC Weekly. In addition to his two radio programs, Saavedra serves as Assistant Program Director at KFI.

Born into a large family of seven kids and raised in Southern California, Saavedra started his career in radio in January 1990. Armed with a desire to defend truth and his varied studies of logic, theology, philosophy and religion, Saavedra embarked on his first radio show. Answers with Shield of Faith, a one-hour question and answer program, teamed Saavedra with partner Bobby Lownsdale on Ventura's premiere Christian radio station, KDAR 98.3 FM.

Throughout the early ‘90s, Saavedra continued to answer people’s tough questions dealing with God and religion. In addition to bringing Answers with Shield of Faith to other Christian stations in the southland such as KKLA 99.5 FM and KBRT 740 AM, Saavedra was a frequent guest on several other radio programs including The Greg Koukl Show and Duffy and Company. He joined KFI AM 640/Los Angeles in March 1994 as an intern before launching The Jesus Christ Show on the station.

In addition his radio work, Saavedra occasionally lectures and teaches at various churches and schools on everything from live Q& A to logic and religious philosophy. This is in line with his undying love to share with others what some have kindly shared with him.

Saavedra first studied Catholic apologetics at Saint Pascal's Day School in Thousand Oaks, Calif., then Protestant Apologetics at Chalcedon Christian Academy, where he studied topics such as critical thinking, Theology and general Apologetics. Saavedra has also taken supplemental courses on the cults, Hebrew, the Trinity and general Apologetics at schools such as Simon Greenleaf University (Trinity School of Law) in Southern California and School of the Oaks in Westlake Village, Calif.

Saavedra refers to himself a "self taught lay apologist," not because he hasn't been taught anything from wonderful teachers (he has), but because although he has warmed the seats of many a classroom, he currently holds no degrees (and he hates when people try and sound more educated than they actually are).

Beyond the mic, Saavedra enjoys spending time with his wife and son, and supports charitable programs such as Caterina’s Club and Self-Help Graphics.

What Are You Wearing

UFOs and Fallen Angels

Christians that continue to sin
ufos and fallen angels

Romans 13 and Paying Taxes

Romans 13 and Paying Taxes
Boss is a Bully
Told mom is in hell



Does God respect all religions

Does God respect all religions

Praying to the holy spirit

Praying to the holy spirit

Self Love

Self Love
Spiritual Battle when bad things happen
Is the mark of the beast doomed to hell

Is God Good

Is God Good from things done in the Bible
The Sabbath
The Church has imperfect people
The Bible written years after Jesus

Meaning of I am With You Always

Are we alone in the universe
Taking marijuana for medical reasons
negative theology
Meaning of I am With You Always

Healthy Copitition

Healthy Copitition
should christians get tatoos
Lordship salbation
Apostles' Creed says that Jesus descended into hell