The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Bill O’Reilly: Americans are ANGRY & Joe Biden DOESN’T CARE

Bill O’Reilly says the mainstream media likely isn’t adequately reflecting how ANGRY the everyday American currently is. Americans are get getting ‘HAMMERED’ right now — from increasing crime, to sky-high inflation, and very few signs that Democrats in power have any solid plans to actually improve today’s America. And all these problems, O’Reilly explains, and the president’s inability to recognize them, is PROOF that Joe BIden truly doesn’t care bout YOU. Plus, O’Reilly gives his latest thoughts on upcoming midterm elections…

TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Mr. Bill O'Reilly, welcome to the program. Where do you want to start, sir?

BILL: You know, Beck, the big story of the week is that you could be right and I could be wrong.

GLENN: Oh, boy.

BILL: That just hurt.

GLENN: That's really bad.

BILL: About Herschel Walker in Georgia. A couple of weeks ago you were saying he's going to win and I was saying no, he's going to lose.

GLENN: Did you see the debate? We just had Herschel on just a few minutes ago. He was, for a guy who played football his whole life, never really even thought about getting into politics, I thought he handled himself surprisingly well.

BILL: I think won the debate because Warnock is, you know, when you vote 98 percent for Biden, I mean, that's all you is to do. Every answer could be did you really vote 98 percent Joe Biden? Every answer. Did you really do that?

GLENN: Yeah.

BILL: So I mean we Georgia, working class state, walker not the most articulate guy in the world I'm not even going to comment on his overall persona because I don't know. But I think with Kemp going to wack Stacey Abrams, there's no question that will happen, that he'll drag Walker across the line by two or three points. And Beck, you were perspicacious. A couple of weeks ago --

GLENN: If I knew what that would meant I would be thrilled. I thinks is happening, I think this is happening across the country, Bill. I don't predict anything anymore because America has gone insane. I don't know what Americans think anymore. This shouldn't even be close in an election, honestly. None of this, everybody should be like wait a minute, you're doing what in our schools? You've done what to our economy? You want to get out of the fossil fuels? We're maybe going to war? This should be a blood bath in the electoral counts come November 8, and it's close, which surprises me.

BILL: I don't think it's close.

GLENN: Part of me, the old Glenn would say this could be almost like a Ronald Reagan Walter Mondale night where it's just much bigger than anybody predicted limp I don't believe that the media is reporting accurately the anger of the American people. That's where you start. You know I'm a simple man and I pride myself on my simplicity. That the big thing right now people are angry. Because through no fault of their own, unless you voted for Biden, you're getting hammered on every front. I mean quality of life where I live in New York City is evaporated -- evaporated and it's not like the people in charge can deny it. You know, Biden does deny it. I have a really good column. I know Beck you're very busy but if you can just read it on Sunday, I file my columns on noon Sunday on Bill O'Reilly dot com it's called the Legend Sleepy Biden. Okay? Read the column.

GLENN: I will.

BILL: All right. And this basically epitomizes even the dimmest above us, and I'm not including Stu in that, he rises a little bit above it, even the dimmest above us know we're getting screwed. And then when he turns round with the ice cream cone and goes the economy's strong as hell, you know, you just look at him going it's over for you. And it is.

It's over for Joe Biden, done, he's through. I did an analysis last night on the no spin news that he used the second worst president in our history in the first 21 months in office. Only James Buchanan, a legendary James Buchanan has bested him as worst president. And he's not coming back. It's not like he's going to make a stunning comeback. He's not because he's delusional and he doesn't care. That iffy. Joe Biden does not care about you and I'm talking to your audience now. I would understand if he didn't care about you.

GLENN: I would say he does care about me.

BILL: He doesn't care about you.


BILL: He doesn't tick the time to analyze the problem and put forth any solution to it.

GLENN: Well, see -- let me ask you, Bill. When he was saying that about the economy with the ice cream in his hand I'd never seen anything quite so out of touch, but I was listening to him and taking him from an elitist point of view from an elitist point of view, remember, bill gate just came out and just said you know this war in Ukraine actually is working to the advantage of getting us off a fossil fuels. It will actually speed it up. So people who are in this elitist point of view, they're looking at, well, for, you know, we've got to do this, get rid of fossil fuels, and we have to change the way the economy works, et cetera.

What he's saying from an elitist point of view, no, it's strong, it's going exactly the way we that it would go. But he's not, he doesn't see people.

BILL: Right. He doesn't understand that there's pain in most American homes because the bills can't be paid and people can't eat food they want to eat and travel where they want to go. And so our freedom is eroded by incompetent leadership. Therefore on November egg, the media is trying to tell you that abortion and Donald Trump and all that's going to mitigate the vote and people are going to go out and still support the democrats. It's bull, you know, the second word to that. It's not true. It's a contrived presentation and it's going to up the next two weeks. You're going to see it begin on Sunday where the corporate media is going to find, they're going to bring Trump back some how some way.

It's funny, Beck, um, remember the story, I think it was about ten days ago where the boxes and Mar-a-Lago were moved around by Trump, apparently Trump went down to his basement and moved boxes. If anybody believes that, I mean, my god, and that was, they went hysterical for 24 hours. It was Trump's moving bocks and he knew, everywhere you went. That where it was. And then it disappeared largely because of me.

I went on news nation and said this is absurd, this is insane, okay? And it's not true. And there's no significance to it at all. But that what's going to happen in the next two weeks. Some how in the January 6 committee, I know, will be tied into this, Trump will appear again.

GLENN: They have to.

BILL: Those election day past will rise. That is what is going to happen because there's nothing else that the media can latch on to to help the democrats.

GLENN: What they don't know, what they don't understand is that the Biden is all that people care about. The economy, really. What these people are doing to our economy and to our jobs and to our children and to our parenting and all of that. People are not riled up about Donald Trump.

BILL: The committed left is.

GLENN: You're not going to win an election with just the committed left.

BILL: No, but the African American community is a great example of if they don't come out to vote, and I believe they will not, and that's not reflected in any poll by the way.

GLENN: Right.

>> MR. LOA: So in south Philadelphia if the blacks don't go, I mean, big for Fetterman , Fetterman loses, all right? And Oz will be the Republican center senator from Pennsylvania. The only thing that can save Fetterman is if blacks come out big. The media is going to try to put Trump back in front of them and say this is fascists, even though Trump helped the African American community by his economic policy.

GLENN: I have to tell you, and maybe I'm Polyanna here, but I think that the black community, you know, there's always written off as like Biden did, if you don't vote for me you ain't black. You know just considered by democrats as a mindless group of people that will just do whatever they say. I think they are the ones that are on the front line. My community is not the 90s.

BILL: You're absolutely right.

GLENN: Yeah.

BILL: Particularly in the violence.

GLENN: Violence, jobs, you know, economic peril. It's the people are at the bottom of the ladder --

BILL: Marginal people that don't earn lot of main.


BILL: See, the democratic party has lost Hispanics. It lost them. And now the only voting block left, the only one is the African American community. So, they have to scare the African American community, they, the corporate media because that it, it's over. The African American community doesn't vote for Hochul in New York for governor, Zeldin wins.

GLENN: Let me ask you this, if, you know, I just saw a poll. The media is in the toilet, all media is in the toilet.

BILL: Everybody hate them. Except you and me.

GLENN: Yeah. No one trusts the mainstream media. How does the mainstream media still have an effect when everyone is saying they lie to us all the time?

BILL: Excellent question, Beck. Did Stu write that question?

STU: I did. Thank you, Bill.

GLENN: We're not supposed to say that. I'm docking your pay.

BILL: It's because what the corporate media does now, goes on to social media. So no one's watching Lester Holt. His constituency is in the middle west, pretty much, but once the media says something about Trump sneaks down to his basement to move boxes full of classified information, which is what they said based on nothing, there was no sourcing of it, nothing, it gets into social media, get into Facebook, gets into youtube, and that where people see it.

So that's the power they still have. They can get this propaganda, this BS out on to social media and people see it. They don't have people directly broadcasting anymore. Nobodies de.

Cable news doesn't have it anymore either.

GLENN: Nobody does.

BILL: It's all social media driven now.

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