A momentary craze?
Armstrong & Getty's Hot Links...the Wednesday December 11 2019 Edition!
‘They’ Is the Word of the Year, Merriam-Webster Says, Noting Its Singular Rise
After Pensacola Shooting, Pentagon Restricts Training for Saudi Military Students
PG&E diverted millions from putting lines underground, audit finds
Councilwoman says a cruise ship at Oakland’s port could house 1,000 homeless people
China tried to get World Bank to fund surveillance in Xinjiang
Aramco Soars in Debut to Hit Market Value of $1.88 Trillion
British PM seeks Brexit breakthrough as polls tighten
Burnout recovery: How to bounce back when you're mentally exhausted
Kentucky judge accused of threesomes with staffers may face impeachment
Arizona man registers bees as emotional support animals
MLB WEED BAN LIFTED... For Minor Leaguers
It All Started Well Enough...A&G's Hot Links, Dec. 10 2019.
By Armstrong & Getty