A Sign Of Things to Come??
Armstrong & Getty's Hot Links, Nov 11 2019
‘MAGA teen’ rapper unites Left and Right in mutual dismay
No more fire in the kitchen: Cities are banning natural gas in homes to save the planet
These Are The Childhood Classic Toys You Probably Still Own That Can Make You A Fortune
People puzzled by peculiar texts, and no one can say why
Man sues Madonna, saying her 10:30 p.m. concert start is too late
Dating apps turn finding love into a video game — and lots of people lose
‘They go to attack you.’ Aggressive gaggle of wild turkeys terrorize 55-and-up community
Americans are quick to believe they have a serious disease after they Google their symptoms
Eldon, Mo. man arrested after breaking into store to save mannequins from sex trafficking
Victim uses battle ax to fend off home invader
Popeyes violence continues after woman is body-slammed outside Tennessee restaurant
Trump suggests raising the vaping age to 21 ‘or so’
Nikki Haley says she rebuffed efforts by Tillerson, Kelly to thwart Trump: report
Joe Biden Op/Ed? I Have Fought for the Democratic Party My Whole Career
Caltrans grapples with spread of homeless camps along highways
Video shows Hong Kong protester shot by police officer, another set on fire
2 homeless men wounded by archer in Richmond
New SF D.A. Chesa Boudin wants to transform system: ‘A lot of work to be done’
Del Mar racetrack suffers first two racing fatalities of 2019 in span of 90 minutes
Adios, Week! A&G's Hot Links...November 8 2019
By Armstrong & Getty