It Seemed Like a Good Idea...
Armstrong & Getty's Hot Links
Rudy Giuliani says he will emerge as 'hero' of Ukraine saga
Law Professor: Congress Should Remove Trump from Office, But Let Him Run Again in 2020
Hillary Rodham Clinton: Trump is a "corrupt human tornado"
NYT: Why The Times Published Details of the Whistle-Blower’s Identity
The fight behind SF’s 41 empty mental health beds: ‘This is not something you play politics with’
EPA blasts California, attempting to link SF/LA homelessness and pollution
Battle for Duncan Hunter’s district won’t be pretty
Afghan Presidential Vote Presses On Despite Concerns About Legitimacy
Facebook Tests Hiding ‘Likes’ on Social Media Posts
The cautionary tale of Japan's "sex recession"
Vaping-related illnesses jump to 805 nationwide; deaths rise to 12
The bad news: PG&E power shut-offs will probably get worse, not better
Rodent anyone? Louisiana company turns invasive swamp rodents into dog treats
Meet Mattel's new gender-neutral dolls
Does setting the legal drinking age at 21 fuel a binge drinking culture among American teens?
Landmark Theaters Banning Costumes for 'Joker' Opening Weekend
It's Not About Politics! A&G's Hot Links, Sept 26 Edition
By Armstrong & Getty