A&G's Hot Links. The Super Happy, Back from Vacation Edition

The Monday July 15 edition of Armstrong & Getty's Hot Links...

The Super-Happy, Back from Vacation Edition!

Bernie Sanders: Pelosi is ‘a little bit’ too tough on AOC’s squad


Exclusive poll: AOC defining Dems in swing states


Trump’s Social Media Summit nearly descends into brawl in Rose Garden


British ambassador: Trump abandoned Iran deal in act of 'diplomatic vandalism' to spite Obama


Tom Steyer Will Run for President and Plans to Spend $100 Million on His Bid


Election Systems Across Country Use Software Vulnerable To Hackers


Puerto Rico governor rejects calls to resign over profane and derogatory group chat


de Blasio must be removed as mayor


US consumer debt surges to record highs


Protesters remove US flag, raise Mexican flag at Colorado ICE facility


Oakland landlord tries, fails to pay homeless to leave encampment


Lindsey Graham claims border fraud so prevalent ‘a terrorist could easily get in’


DEBRA J. SAUNDERS: Acosta, the only prosecutor to put Jeffrey Epstein behind bars, loses his job


Jeffrey Epstein Was Once a HS Teacher. His Behavior Was Noticed.


House Democrats Postpone Mueller Testimony by One Week


A Koch Executive’s Harassment in China Adds to Fears Among Visitors


Apollo 11 graffiti reveals insights on life in space


Japan’s Hayabusa2 Spacecraft Lands on Asteroid It Blasted a Hole In


5 Things to Avoid on Amazon Prime Day


Facebook’s $5 billion FTC fine is an embarrassing joke


Dramatic video shows Coast Guard leaping onto submarine carrying 17,000 pounds of cocaine


They’re young, they have a college degree, they’re coming to California. Who are they?


The black woman who will be the next 007: Lashana Lynch taking over the famous codename


Robot Umpire Performed About As Well As Human Umpire


Scarlett Johansson clarifies remarks that she should be allowed to play "any person, or any tree, or any animal"


Was Uncle Dennis a menace in former Raptor Kawhi Leonard's free-agency departure?


Is This Real Life? Are there really people who think that Robert Redford is Zach Galifianakis??


Sacramento County Says It's Illegal to Work on Your Own Car in Your Own Garage

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