De Niro Damages an Important Trump Constituency!

The annual Tony Awards were held night in NYC, with Broadways best and brightest assembled to honor this year's finest theatrical efforts--which included Spongebob Squarepants and Harry Potter!

Joining the show to introduce Bruce Springsteen was none other Robert De Niro, who immediately launched into an f-bomb tirade against President Trump.  

The American TV audience heard censored silence while witnessing the theater crowd jump to their feet in approval.  But thanks to this Aussie video, we can listen to his entire presentation, uncensored.

WE REMIND YOU, THIS IS NSFW!  So, turn down yer speakers!  

Next, watch as Jack reads one A&G listener's thoughts regarding a potential De Niro Effect...

One A&G twitter follower astutely observed the effect that De Niro's tirade will likely have on one very important Trump constituency.

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