Highlights From A&G's 20th Anniversary Sold-out Party

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A few days ago, we realized that we're in the midst of our 20th year as TALK 650's morning--who knew!  

The Armstrong & Getty Show debuted on KSTE way back in August of 1998, with hijinks and humor and laughter!  

Along the way, we lived our lives, raised families and experienced the variety of rapid changes that have taken place in our society--and our show changed as the world changed us (and you).

Flash forward to 2018...it seems to make sense to throw a little party to celebrate our 20th year.  Our boss at the time of the show's debut told us, "this show won't last 6 weeks"--and thus the title for last night's extravaganza was born!  

Please enjoy some of the photos from the soldout Armstrong & Getty 20th Anniversary Celebration, "This Show Won't Last 6 Weeks." 

We had a blast!  And we promise--we'll do another event soon!  

See more below. 

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