White House Correspondents Dinner: Establishment Embarrassment?

The annual White House Correspondents Dinner took place last weekend, and once again there's plenty of hoopla about an event that's meant as a scholarship fundraiser.  

Over the years though, the annual dinner has managed to become an all-too-honest display of the too-cozy relationship between the members of the beltway journalistic community and the politicians they aim to cover every day.  

President Trump bailed on the event for a campaign rally in Washington Township, Michigan.  But, Sarah Huckabee Sanders was there to experience the full-thrust of the Michelle Wolf-roast, in which the comic took shots the WH press secretary.  Some say Wolf's jabs were far too harsh, while others have come to Wolf's defense.  

Jack & Joe talked about the event during Marshall's Phillips' newscast (special thanks to Positive Sean for the comedy assist).  

Is is time for the organizers to kill the event?  

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