Marshall's Musings: Raven Social and Athletic Club

Yes it exists---

The Raven Social and Athletic Club is in East Sacramento.. One of the oldest neighborhood bars in the city complete with iconic neon sign and iconic customers. Great place to talk politics, sports or just what's going on in your life. The daytime crowd served by mixologist  Greg Dougherty


The Raven's been around since 1946. Previous owners Joe Sr. and Jr.Plescia  owned it for 40 years. It's now owned by David Anderson and Shannon  Barnes - Arguijo .. When I started talking about the Club Raven years ago....I would refer to it as the Raven Social and Athletic Club.....yes its very social and at times some sort of physical activity will occur . Well, the nickname caught on so now there are shirts and caps bearing the bars "air name" 


The Club's frisky raven sign....won even more fame after being featured in the movie Ladybird.

Perhaps one of these days we'll meet at the Club for a glass of chardy. 


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