Judge Roy Moore said Friday that while he did date “a number of young ladies” when he returned from the military, he would have never had contact with a 14 year old.

In The Washington Post on Thursday, Leigh Corfman accused Moore, a Republican running for Senate in Alabama, of kissing and groping her when she was just 14 and he was 32.

“These allegations are completely false and misleading but more than that it hurts me personally, you know– I’m a father,” Moore said in an interview with Sean Hannity.

Moore said his role as a father and grandfather makes him extra protective of young women.

“I dont know Ms. Corfman from anybody, I’ve never talked to her, never met with her…I believe they are politically motivated and are brought to stop a very successful campaign,” he asserted. “It involves a 14-year-old girl which I would have never had contact with.”

Moore said that he did recognize some of the women’s names in the Washington Post report but could not remember if he had ever gone on dates with them. Other women between the ages of 17 and 18 said they had contact with Moore that involved multiple dates but never went beyond kissing. A 16 year old said Moore invited her on a date but her mother refused.

“You understand this is 40 years ago and after the military, and I dated a number of young ladies,” Moore said of the possibility of going on dates with other young women.

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