6 AM - 1 - Vincent is getting 10% off his $6k dentist bill cuz he's paying in ca$h money; Opening Thoughts. 2 - ; MailBag. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - Joe talks hanging out in rural Pennsylvania; Fine china is a dying thing.
7 AM - 1 - Ryoga Vee is a guy who was supposed to speak at Berkeley, and he joins us to talk about it. 2 - Ryoga reads some of the speech he woulda read in Berkeley. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - Texts on Ryoga.
8 AM - 1 - Jack had to do the mugshot thing with the police re: the transient who threatened his familia. 2 - A listener drank $125k champagne. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - Is the ADA Act going to destroy the internet?.
9 AM - 1 - Nekkid Bieber pics leaked; Joel Osteen won't let anyone into his giant church in Houston. 2 - The best DNA testing kit thingy. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - ; Final Thoughts.
PICS: Vincent Withdrew $6,000 In Cash For His Tooth Implant
General Manager: Misnomers
Band Name of the Day: The Minor Celebrities (Jack)
Most Dad Comment of the Day: That Poor Girl Bought The Wrong Size Bra! (Joe)
Bon Mot of the Day: Trump's A Bluffer, He's A Fluffer, He's A Midnite Puffer (Joe)