PICS: Vincent Went To A Quilt Show With His New Belle Allison

After lunch in downtown Brentwood, California, Allison and I were wandering around. 

Saw a sign for a Quilt Show inside the Brentwood Community Center.

Allison is super into quilting, which means I'm super into quilting.

So we went in.


Admission was $10 each. To look at quilts! Although the air conditioning was humming and I remarked, "The A/C is worth the 10 bucks."

We were the youngest people there by about 40 years.

And I was the most handsome and masculine dude there BY FAR.

So it wasn't all bad.

Here are some pics..



Now here are a buttload of photographs of quilts, stuffed animals, and sewing machines that I saw and was impressed with.

You walk around Walmart and Target and see a ton of blankets and comforters probably strung together by 6 year old Chinese children in 20 seconds and you take bedding for granted.

But the craftsmanship, hard work, time, handcrafted-ness, and love that go into quilting is quite beautiful.

The quilts..



Some cool, funky stuffed animals I dug..



And my favorite part: Old school vintage Singer sewing machines.

Dude buys them, fixes them up, and restores them, and in some cases, paints them all pretty.



I hope you enjoyed my pictures. Thank you for your time. Have a lovely day.

-Vincent =)

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