6 AM - 1 - Jack is in Oregon for the eclipse so that means more of Sean and Vincent talking LUCKY YOU!; Sean is blind; Vincent went to a quilt show; Marshall didn't win the lotto; Opening Thoughts. 2 - ; MailBag. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - CBS News military analyst Mike Lyons talks Navy ship collision and Trump's statement on Afghanistan tonite.
7 AM - 1 - Jack calls in from the Swath Of Totality to report on the solar eclipse. 2 - The left has embraced its violent sect. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - Michael's solar eclipse driving tips; Fun eclipse facts; How to troll nazis with a tuba.
8 AM - 1 - More on free speech and protests; Sean reviews the newest episode of Game of Thrones for some reason. 2 - Jack checks in again from Oregon about the eclipse. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - If the moon disappeared with Joe Getty.
9 AM - 1 - Washington Post reporter Wesley Lowery on the Boston "free speech" rally. 2 - Once again we go to Jack LIVE in Oregon on the very latest with the eclipse. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - ; Final Thoughts.
PICS: Vincent Went To A Quilt Show With His New Belle Allison
VIDEO: Trolling Nazis By Playing Cartoon Music W/ A Tuba
General Manager: The Total Eclipse Of The Sun
Band Name of the Day: The Shoulderless County Roads (Jack)
Bon Mot of the Day: Would You Rather Be Blind Or Go To a Quilt Show? (The entire show staff)