Wednesday, August 16, 2017 - Show Notes and Links


6 AM - 1 - Michael brought cassette tapes to work; Vincent has 3 more Yeah No cases; Opening Thoughts. 2 - ; MailBag. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - How the media reacted to Trump's press conference.

7 AM - 1 - David Drucker from the Washington Examiner talks Trump press conference with us. 2 - More Trump stuff. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - Eclipse stuff.

8 AM - 1 - More Trump and Charlottesville stuff. 2 - Tearing down statues deemed "racist". 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - Clickbait headlines; Cheap wine tastes pretty similar to fancy wine.

9 AM - 1 - A listener sent us wine and coloring books; Fun texts on stuff. 2 - Rock Paper Scissors strategy. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - We keep chatting; Final Thoughts.



VIDEO: VICE News' Inside Account Of The Charlottesville Protests



General Manager: Fatigue

Band Name of the Day:  The 3 Dimensional Rooks (Joe)

Bon Mot of the Day:  You Give 'Em The Old Soul Read (Sean)

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