Full disclosure: My weight is extremely low in this pic. I wanted to see how low I could get it. So I ran like 4.5 miles right before this weigh-in (my body has nearly zero moisture in it) and I pooped as well.
Right now I'm about 8 lbs above this number.
Here we are 4+ years after me losing 150 lbs.
The secret? D&E, baby. Good ol' diet and exercise. That's it!
It's not hard. It's stupid easy. You just have to DO IT. And be CONSISTENT for a specific period of time.
Diet: Medifast California taught me what to eat, more importantly, how much of it to eat (portion control is everything), and, maybe most importantly, how to stop eating. (If you do choose them to help you out, please tell them I sent you. Thanks.)
Exercise: Weights and cardio. I despise cardio with a passion, but it's an absolute must. So I do it. Begrudgingly.
And hey I'm not perfect. Far from it. But I go with the theory of as long as the majority of my days are "good," I'll be as right as rain. Focus on the big picture. Macro instead of micro.
Right now my formula is I'm pretty strict with my diet and exercise from Monday - Friday. Then on the weekend I eat too much and drink way too much and my gym time is easy, slow, and lite.
Mon - Fri I look at food as fuel. It simply provides energy to get me going.
And I look at food in terms of calories. Like "This protein bar is 200 calories towards my daily amount. Okie dokie."
From Mon - Fri I consume about 1,200 calories a day which I know is low but again, I only need food for fuel for my body, so I manage, and I'm not starving.
2 Key Discoveries For Me:
What I've found that helps is realizing that staying perfectly on track is not forever.
You may call it delayed gratification. Knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
If I need to drop a few pounds (or several) and be perfect for a week or 2 or 3 or 5 or 6.. I'll live. Life will go on.
That chorizo breakfast burrito at Beto's on Auburn Blvd in Citrus Heights will still be there, waiting for me in 2 or 3 weeks. It will still love me all the same.
Another thing that helps me is focusing on a date.. Say today is August 15 and maybe my friend Mike is getting married on September 15.
Then I just think in my head "Okay, from right now until September 15, 100% perfection. Zero compromises. STAY FOCUSED."
For me, staying perfect is easier than 99% perfect, cuz that will ultimately lead to a backslide.
Come September 15, all bets are off, and I will get super wasted and eat like a pig. Oink!
But it's whatever, cuz the macro has been taken care of.
And the madness will stop September 16. Okay, maybe September 17.
Ya dig?
(Oh btw congrats, Mike! I've always adored Sylvia. =)
1 more bonus key: Mindfulness or mindful eating.
Say you're going to have a Quest bar.
Think to yourself, "This is what I'm going to eat right now."
Then eat it. Consume it. Enjoy it. Savor it.
Then think, "Okay. That was it. That was fun and that's all I'm going to eat right now."
Then move on with your life. =)
My Top 7 Tips for Weight loss and weight maintenance lessons:
7. Portion control/ Single servings - I can't stress enough how important this is. Most of what I buy come already in single serving portions. It makes life sooo much easier. Protein bars, popcorn, nuts, oatmeal, etc.
6. Protein and veggies - Eat a lot of these and often. To make it super easy, buy pre-cooked chicken (I get mine from Trader Joe's in their "fresh" section") and Steamfresh frozen veggies that come in a microwaveable bag. Simple.
5. Eat every 2-3 hours - Just make sure it's not a lot every 2-3 hours. Quantity is key. Once again, it goes back to portion control.
4. Look for fiber in nearly everything you eat. It helps you poo.
3. Sugar is bad. Salt is kind of bad.
2. Re: Working out - Fall in love with the grind, the habit, the ritual, the rut, the boredom, the mundane, the process of going to da gym. Sometimes just getting thru the door is the hardest part. After that, your instincts will take over. And always listen to your body.
1. Flavored drinks help satiate my appetite: Black coffee, Diet Pepsi, Monster Energy Drinks (the kind with zero sugar/ carbs/ calories, they're in the orange or white cans), Sparkling Water, Crystal Light (again look for the crap with no sugar and very little carbs or calories).
You can do it.
Light up the darkness.