PICS: Vincent Got A Tooth Yanked Out By The Dentist

My upper far back tooth (my wisdom tooth) was declared dead. It had decayed and was all black and infected and disgusting (it's the 9th pic down). No pain though.

So I went to an oral surgeon to get it pulled out.

I went to Dr Wes Hill with Sierra Foothills Oral Surgery in Roseville.

It went quite well. It literally took him maybe 2-3 minutes to yank the sucker out for which they charged over $400 for, but I only had to pay $61 myself. Thanks, Obamacare!

Overall, the experience was just dandy although Dr Hill did hit me with a, "So did you do anything fun this summer?"

I replied with, "I sweated." =/


Now here are some photographs I took of the annoying medical disclosure forms you have to fill out before a doctor or dentist visit. I just see BLAH BLAH BLAH and mark NO on all of them without even reading them because COME ON!



Now here are some photographs I took at the dentist office including my yanked toof or what remains of it.



Then I had to go to Walmart to buy drugs YAY! Legal ones BOO!



Here's how much it cost me.



And then here's just some follow-up photos on my post oral surgery life.


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