Friday, April 21, 2017 - Show Notes and Links


6 AM - 1 - Sean is drug testing the staff the day after 4/20; Vincent passed his first kidney stone yay!; Opening Thoughts. 2 - ; MailBag. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - How to start up a conversation with a stranger.

7 AM - 1 - Ian Bremmer, President of the Eurasia Group, talks global affairs with us. 2 - More with Mister Bremmer. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, and Sarah Palin visited Trump in the Oval Office.

8 AM - 1 - Trump polls stuff. 2 - Jack and Joe try that Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino drank. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - Google involved in a search privacy case.

9 AM - 1 - Charlotte Allen from the Weekly Standard on her piece: "What on Earth Is Going on at the Claremont Colleges?". 2 - Jack hasn't slept a wink; Late COW. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - We continue to chat; Final Thoughts.



LINK: Follow Ian Bremmer on the Twitter

PICS: Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, and Sarah Palin visited President Trump in the Oval Office

LINK: What on Earth Is Going on at the Claremont Colleges? Five campuses, five boiling cauldrons of hostility to free speech.



General Manager: Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, and Sarah Palin

Band Name of the Day: The Unmotivated Donkeys (Joe)

Bon Mot of the Day: I'm Not Gonna Grind Your Flour For Brussel Sprouts (Jack)

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