Heart-Stopping Video Shows Driver Escape Seconds Before Train Crushes SUV

Speeding Train at Railroad Crossing, Motion Blur

Photo: 2HotBrazil / E+ / Getty Images

A dramatic incident unfolded in Layton, Utah, when a passenger train collided with an SUV stuck on the tracks. The driver narrowly escaped, jumping out seconds before the train smashed into the vehicle. The Utah Transit Authority released footage showing the SUV being rear-ended by a pickup truck, which pushed it onto the tracks.

The video, which has gone viral on social media, shows the SUV approaching the crossing as the lights flashed and the gate lowered. The driver initially stopped with the rear wheels on the tracks and then tried to reverse, hitting the gate arm. Eventually, the driver exited the vehicle moments before the train struck.

 Fortunately, no one was hurt in the incident, but the train sustained over $100,000 in damages, according to local media.

Gavin Gustafson, a Public Information Officer for the Utah Transit Authority, noted that while it might seem obvious to move forward or break the gate, the driver was likely in shock.

You can watch the heart-stopping video below.

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