Photo: Steve Jennings / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images
Pavel Durov, the founder of the popular messaging platform Telegram, has been charged with a series of crimes in France, including complicity in the spread of illicit activities such as child sex abuse, drug trafficking, and fraud. Durov, a Russian-born dual-French citizen, was arrested in Paris on Saturday and released on a $5.6 million bail. He has been ordered to remain in France as the investigation continues.
The charges also include allegations that Durov refused to assist French authorities in wiretapping Telegram users suspected of criminal activities. As part of his bail conditions, Durov must report to a local police station twice a week.
Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau accused Durov of showing a "near-total absence" of responses to legal requests from officials seeking Telegram's assistance in combating crime related to its services.
Telegram, with over 900 million users worldwide, has been criticized for allowing criminals and terrorist groups to use its services with little oversight. The platform is particularly popular in Russia, where it is even used by the military to coordinate operations.
Telegram has defended its actions, stating that it complies with European Union laws and that its moderation practices are "within industry standards and constantly improving."
Durov's arrest has sparked concerns about free speech, with figures such as Elon Musk, CEO of X, calling for his release.
French President Emmanuel Macron has stated that the decision to charge Durov was not politically motivated. The investigation into Telegram's alleged criminal activities is ongoing.