These Industries Are Urgently Hiring In California


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Various industries in California are looking to hire workers like never before. With all pandemic restrictions dropped, business are finding it hard to keep their doors open due to lack of employment. According to The Sacramento Bee, the lack of employment availability during pandemic restrictions, caused citizens to leave cities with high cost of living. Now, businesses are struggling to hire people.

“There are lots of service jobs available, but businesses can’t hire enough workers to meet the demand,” Sung Won Sohn, president of Los Angeles-based SS Economics told The Sacramento Bee.

Though the service industry is looking to hire the most employees, there are other industries looking to bring on an influx of workers as soon as possible.

“Even employers with white collar jobs in tech, business services, and health care report far fewer job candidates than prior to the pandemic,” Michael Bernick, the former head of California's unemployment agency stated.

The Sacramento Bee mentioned that California gained 925,000 payroll jobs since last June, and is slowly bouncing back. Sacramento alone has brought back more jobs than were available before the pandemic.

As of March, there were 1.3 million job openings listed throughout California with the most popular industries being hospitality, health services, education, and government jobs.

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