New Sacramento Ordinance May Crack Down On Illegal Fireworks

The City of Sacramento may take serious action against illegal fireworks ahead of the Fourth of July.

The city is considering an ordinance that would fine people who use illegal fireworks on streets and sidewalks in front of people's homes, reports CBS13.

A committee reviewed the new plan to fine property owners on Tuesday, May 4.

According to city leaders, because tickets will be sent by mail and not in person, police officers aren't the only ones who would be able to issue the citations.

“We can actually use our code officers and administrative officers to cite people who are hosting parties and shooting off illegal fireworks,” Councilmember Eric Guerra told CBS13.

“If we happen to see illegal fireworks activity, as much as a visual verification of a firework leaving the ground or exploding at a property, then we can issue a citation to the owner or the renter or to the person responsible for the property,” Sacramento City Fire Marshal Jason Lee told ABC10.

Fines would start at $1,000 and go up to $5,000 if a person violated the ordinance multiple times.

The new ordinance would also prohibit the use of fireworks from 11:00 P.M. to 9:00 A.M.

Currently, Sacramento residents are allowed to use "safe and sane" fireworks at any time of the day from June 28 to July 4.

Photo: Getty Images

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