The Thursday January 23, 2020 edition of Armstrong & Getty's "The Pile".
Your path to all...(ok-some)...of the stories we discussed on The Armstrong & Getty Show.
Do you know this man? Amador County officials need help IDing him
49ers’ Nick Bosa’s family tree includes great-grandfather who was Chicago mobster
‘It’s a wake-up call’ — fentanyl crisis grips San Francisco as body count skyrockets
L.A. announced more ‘sensitive’ cleanups for homeless camps. Now it’s taking a harder line
For Senators at Impeachment Trial, No Coffee, No Cellphones and No Talking
Trump Acts Like a Politician. That’s Not an Impeachable Offense.
From Conspiracies To Eulogies, Twitter Is Going Nuts Over The Untimely Death Of Mr. Peanut
Moms 4 Housing Group Reaches Deal For Purchase Of Oakland Home Where Homeless Squatters Evicted
Ghislaine Maxwell’s private emails reportedly hacked
Snakes could be the source of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak
Prince Harry’s lack of education could prevent him moving to Canada
THE PILE: January 22 2020. Stories from The Armstrong & Getty Show
Stories and various links, as heard on The Armstrong & Getty Show
By Armstrong & Getty