So Freaking Effing Excited!
Armstrong & Getty's Hot Links, the December 12 2019 Edition
The Bloomberg Business Jealousy List
Homeless-related Violence Continues as More Money is Thrown at Housing
90,000 Packages Disappear Daily in N.Y.C. Is Help on the Way?
Home Depot ties opioid crisis to recent surge in store theft
'I thought I dropped acid': GOP senator describes 'surreal' reading of FISA report
Prosecutors say Giuliani associate Lev Parnas hid $1 million payment from Russia
Bloomberg calls for ‘war on poverty’ on 1st California trip
Warren Wealth Tax Would Raise Nearly 30% Less Than Projected, Study Finds
Vexed Voters: 8 In 10 Americans Say Politics Are BIGGEST Source Of Stress In Life
Weinstein and His Accusers Reach Tentative $25 Million Deal: Insurance companies to pay
Harvey Weinstein posts $2M bond under New York state's new bail reform statute
Why the UK has such restrictive reporting laws on election day
Americans’ Souring Credit Card Debt Poised to Reach 10-Year High
A Momentary Craze? A&G's Hot Links, Dec 11 2019
A momentary craze? Armstrong & Getty's Hot Links...the Wednesday December 11 2019 Edition!
By Armstrong & Getty