Dems Off-Course During Debates? Dana Milbank talks to A&G

Thankfully, two more rounds of 2020 Democratic Debates are now in our rear-view mirror. Night one featured Senators-pals Sanders & Warren, along with Mayor Pete and the young skateboarding Texan--Beto O'Rourke (let's not forget crowd favorite, Marianne Williamson).

Following the first debate in Detroit, The Washington Post's Dana Milbank joined Armstrong & Getty to talk about where he thinks the Dems should have focused their efforts, as well as providing his thoughts on the strengths/weaknesses of the current front runner--Joe Biden.

What did Democrat voters really want to witness during these debates? More wonky explanations of their healthcare proposals? A longer color guard presentation? Bloodshed?

Listen to the A&G Extra Large Podcast below...

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