MichaelAngelo's Marketplace: Thoughts on Marshall's Birthday.

It's been awhile...sorry A&G listeners. I need to keep up on my blogs and do updates on a more consistent basis. I promise to do better to communicate with our loyal A&G audience.

Yesterday, Marshall had a birthday and he told some really amazing stories. I always forget that he was once in jail for 30 days and how many celebrities he has met. He has some amazing stories about meeting Marlon Brando, Elvis Presley, Sammy Hagar (who went to high school with him) and others. Marshall said that he has lived an amazing life but that one of the things that he is most proud of is how he quit smoking. He used to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day.

If you go through old magazines from the 1970s and the 1980s, you will see that these magazines are full of ads for hard liquor and cigarettes. People used to drink and smoke cigarettes so much more than they do today. My dad told me stories about how back in the day, people would always offer a guest in their home a drink or cigarette...it was almost considered rude not to do so. I've even seen clip of old Flintstones commercials that have Barney and Fred advertising Winston cigarettes.

My grandparents smoked cigarettes as did my aunt and uncle. Even my dad smoked when he was much younger. College professors would smoke while they taught in a classroom and often their students would smoke as well. Restaurants used to have smoking sections that were right next to the non-smoking sections and so both sections would be full of smoke! Joe and Jack mentioned to me how in their early radio days, DJs would smoke in the studios. I cannot imagine working in those conditions. Yuck!

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